Sunday, January 3, 2010

Highschool: Do I Know You?

My husband, Doug, unburied our old yearbooks from high school yesterday (we went to the same high school, same year, never met). I decided--on a whim--to look myself up and revisit my whimsical, naive days of youth when I truly knew nothing yet was convinced I knew everything. And to laugh at the weird hairstyles. As I flipped through the pages and read all the comments from friends, I quickly realized I didn't recognize more than a third of the names of my "friends". Even their photos only brought back fuzzy memories. These were kids who sweated through AP classes with me, slaved through late nighters in theater set building and mocked teachers behind their backs with me. Yet, their names meant little. Boy, when we all meet in heaven someday, God better give me perfect recall back because it is going to be mighty embarrassing to have some long lost pal run up to me, shouting my name, to give me a big hug and all I got is " who are you again?" That would definitely make Heaven...not.

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