Tuesday, December 28, 2010

And I 'm BACK!!!

Wow, people actually read this thing?! I had several unnamed people track me down this holiday season and demanded to know why the heck I never write on this blog anymore. I was just shocked anybody actually followed it! (Which was why I stopped in the first place. I assumed no one was reading this and figured I could just talk to myself at home and accomplish the same end) Sorry folks--I appreciate that anyone WANTS to listen to my ramblings and "adventures".

Today's adventure: new pet. Ya know, I am a sucker for pets. Petsmart has a poster of me hidden in their drawer that alerts them when I walk in that "Yes! This woman will buy anything pet oriented you put in front of her!" I actually have a monthly budget for pets. Not kidding. Anyway, Kyri randomly asked today in the car if she could have a hermit crab someday. "Sure!" I said, "-lets go get one right now! " And TADA! we now have three of the ugly little things crawling around. (Petsmart saw me coming) The girls are tickled, I am unsure at my hastiness and Doug doesn't know yet. Maybe I just won't tell him. But I doubt the girls can keep mum about it; they have yet to keep any of my...um..projects secret.